Les éditions Anovi - Mens Sana sont heureuses de vous informer de la parution du livre :
Léon Briot, un officier de marine dans son siècle
Cet ouvrage est une invitation au voyage, à la fois dans l'espace (de Tahiti à la Réunion, d'Italie aux Antilles et de Californie en Syrie) et dans le temps (à l'époque de la marine à voile et du Second Empire).
Accessible à tout public, le passionnant témoignage de Léon Briot est commenté par Marc Nadaux, historien spécialiste du XIXe siècle.
Vous trouverez en pièce jointe une description complète de ce livre, assortie d'un bon de commande.Réservez votre exemplaire sans tarder ! Cordialement,
L'équipe d'Anovi - Mens Sana
lundi 19 septembre 2011
lundi 12 septembre 2011
nouveau livre
Cette fois c’est un roman complet, une totale fiction.
Qui sont ces pilleurs que vous allez découvrir ?
Notre héros, Julien Troubarède, un jeune gendarme devient chef de la brigade de Porquerolles, son île natale.
Il va avoir à en découdre avec la bande de La Seyne, celle du Fulvio Palombaro, en lutte contre celle de son cousin Tittin Corniflouille de Porquerolles.
Viendront les rejoindre, son collègue Dospinard un adjudant à l’ancienne, un douanier corse à la mentalité très insulaire comme on peut s’y attendre, un richissime américain Jonh. W.Slipmann le roi de la lingerie féminine et quelques autres comparses.
Sans oublier pour conclure, un politicien véreux qui croit s’en sortir facilement, mais qui n’a pas pensé à la fiancée du gendarme, la belle Magali qui ne va pas le manquer.
Comme on peut s’en douter, la fin ne sera pas morale, le maréchal des logis chef Julien Troubarède sera muté pour excès de zèle, avec néanmoins un galon supplémentaire.
Ses nouveaux ennemis le voulaient dans les brumes du Nord, mais sa hiérarchie le soutiendra et le fera nommer sur un atoll polynésien.
Il reviendra parmi nous, dans quelques temps, quand nous aurons terminé le manuscrit des « Jaunets du Ville de Grasse » ou dans celui du « Mystère du Donator »
En attendant pour passer un bon moment sur 120 pages, vous pouvez commander :
jeudi 8 septembre 2011
Acte de Francisation.
Un acte de francisation,pour simplifier, est en quelque sorte" la carte grise " d'un navire
ici le: "vapeur PICTAVIA de marseille.
ici le: "vapeur PICTAVIA de marseille.
mercredi 7 septembre 2011
WHAT REALLY SANK THE LUSITANIA? (STEAMSHIPS.) John Brown & Company. Original mechanical plan of the Lusitania's steam piping by its builders. Ink drawing on tracing vellum in 1:48 scale, 27 x 102 inches, docketed "as fitted" on verso; minor toning at folds, wear and soiling to outer docket panels on verso. Clydebank, Scotland, 25 November 1907
Estimate $10,000-15,000
WHAT REALLY SANK THE LUSITANIA? (STEAMSHIPS.) John Brown & Company. Original mechanical plan of the Lusitania's steam piping by its builders. Ink drawing on tracing vellum in 1:48 scale, 27 x 102 inches, docketed "as fitted" on verso; minor toning at folds, wear and soiling to outer docket panels on verso. Clydebank, Scotland, 25 November 1907
Estimate $10,000-15,000
The Lusitania was the largest and fastest ocean liner in the world when this drawing was made in 1907. It was torpedoed and sunk by a German submarine in 1915, killing 1,198 passengers and setting the United States on the road to war.
The Lusitania's engines were tested in June 1907 and it was launched for its maiden voyage on 7 September. Although this drawing is docketed "As Fitted," it is stamped with a 25 November date, suggesting either that it was inspected and filed on that date, or perhaps redrawn for the files from earlier working drawings.
Shortly after the torpedo hit the Lusitania in 1915, it was followed by a mysterious second explosion, causing a rapid failure of the ship's power systems and its unusually rapid sinking. Various theories have surfaced about that second explosion, but many researchers believe that a failure in the ship's steam engines and piping was the cause. This drawing, titled "Q.S.T.S. Lusitania, Arrangement of Steam Piping to Deck Machinery, Thermotanks, Galleys and Pantries, Main Deck Forw'd," may hold some clues to the disaster. An important artifact of a renowned ship and a terrible tragedy. with--a contemporary Velox real-photo postcard titled "S.S. Lusitania, arrival New York maiden voyage, Sept 13th 07" with ink stamp of Merritt & Chapman Derrick & Wrecking Co. on recto.
Estimate $10,000-15,000
WHAT REALLY SANK THE LUSITANIA? (STEAMSHIPS.) John Brown & Company. Original mechanical plan of the Lusitania's steam piping by its builders. Ink drawing on tracing vellum in 1:48 scale, 27 x 102 inches, docketed "as fitted" on verso; minor toning at folds, wear and soiling to outer docket panels on verso. Clydebank, Scotland, 25 November 1907
Estimate $10,000-15,000
The Lusitania was the largest and fastest ocean liner in the world when this drawing was made in 1907. It was torpedoed and sunk by a German submarine in 1915, killing 1,198 passengers and setting the United States on the road to war.
The Lusitania's engines were tested in June 1907 and it was launched for its maiden voyage on 7 September. Although this drawing is docketed "As Fitted," it is stamped with a 25 November date, suggesting either that it was inspected and filed on that date, or perhaps redrawn for the files from earlier working drawings.
Shortly after the torpedo hit the Lusitania in 1915, it was followed by a mysterious second explosion, causing a rapid failure of the ship's power systems and its unusually rapid sinking. Various theories have surfaced about that second explosion, but many researchers believe that a failure in the ship's steam engines and piping was the cause. This drawing, titled "Q.S.T.S. Lusitania, Arrangement of Steam Piping to Deck Machinery, Thermotanks, Galleys and Pantries, Main Deck Forw'd," may hold some clues to the disaster. An important artifact of a renowned ship and a terrible tragedy. with--a contemporary Velox real-photo postcard titled "S.S. Lusitania, arrival New York maiden voyage, Sept 13th 07" with ink stamp of Merritt & Chapman Derrick & Wrecking Co. on recto.
Rebecca Weiss
Media Relations
Swann Galleries
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New York, NY 10010
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